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- Paperback: 288 pages
- Publisher: RoperPenberthy Ltd; (First edition 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: 9781903905821
- Buy: Click here
Alexander Boot was born and grew up in the Soviet Union. Unable to conform to the warped requirements of Soviet socialism he became ‘ne-nash’. a non-person. At the age of 25 the KGB came to visit, telling him to leave the country or face exile to Siberia. In this book Alexander describes by means of vivid anecdotes what is was like to grow up in Moscow under the Communists.The picture of poverty, oppression, violence, drunkeness, promiscuity, corruption and hopelessness he paints of Soviet life is as nasty and brutish asanything described by Dickens or drawn by Hogarth.
‘Alexander Boot writes about his homeland with a kind of benign despair; giving so vivid a portrayal of a Soviet childhood and youth we could almost be there. Entertaining and informative.’ Fay Weldon ‘A gripping, intelligent and masterly narrative that flows beautifully while revelaing the truths of Soviet and Russian life like no other memoir I’ve ever read…Boot is a superb writer.’ Vitaly Vitaliev ‘A brilliant evocation of life in the Soviet Union…which will tell you more about Russia than a hundred academic volumes.’ Theodore Dalrymple