100 years of history’s purest evil

Perhaps I should have written “prior history’s” for the evil of Bolshevik Russia went on to be matched by others: Nazi Germany, Mao’s China, Khmer Rouge and so forth.

But they were all inspired by the event whose centenary is still celebrated today by many Russians, including those who run the country. And the mummy of the syphilitic ghoul Lenin, the principal energumen of the satanic event, still adorns Red Square, holy relics to be worshipped.

The putsch of 7 November, 1917, introduced not just a new regime, but a new concept of a regime: one declaring war on its own people and the rest of the world, and waging that war with inhuman savagery on a scale never even approached before.

Historians are still arguing whether Bolshevism was a denial of Russian history or its natural continuation, which generally follows the line of debate between ‘Slavophiles’ and ‘Westernisers’ in the nineteenth century.

Over the past 30-odd years, the late Solzhenitsyn and his like-minded followers have been preaching the ideas of the first group, according to which Russia was destined to carry out a messianic mission. Granted, she wasn’t perfect in every respect: serfdom, for instance, had few supporters. But on balance Russia was better than the West, more godly, more spiritual, less mercantile.

Had Judaeo-Masonic-Western Marxism not been transplanted onto Russia’s sacred body, the country would have eventually become something like Norway, larger and marginally less prosperous, but with an extra spiritual dimension.

This school sees pre-Revolutionary Russian history as a steady march towards a mystically tinged bright future – suddenly interrupted by alien revolutionaries (many of them Jews, an important factor for the Slavophiles), in no way linked with Russia’s people or history.

The other group, best represented in the West by the Harvard professor Richard Pipes, insists on a steady, organic evolution of the Russian state from its inception to the present day. Most of the Soviet institutions are therefore traced back to their embryos as conceived in old Russia.

The Cheka thus goes back to the nineteenth-century Privy Chancellery or possibly even to Preobrazhensky prikaz (Peter I’s secret police), Soviet internal troops to Ivan IV’s oprichnina, the GULAG to the Tsar’s penal colonies (katorga), collective farms to the peasant communes, and so forth. Underpinning them all is the Russian national character that, though slightly corrupted by some 70 years of bolshevism, has remained virtually unchanged through the centuries.

Both groups are partly right, meaning they’re both partly wrong.

The Russian state has been variably wicked from its inception. The great poet Lermontov’s reference to “unwashed Russia, a land of masters, land of slaves” has pertained throughout history. Thus Russia’s body always carried within itself the cancerous cells of the worst tyranny the world has ever known.

However, pre-Revolutionary Russia wasn’t the worst tyranny the world has ever known, and only a rank determinist would argue that those cells absolutely had to metastasise. It’s a fallacy to think that, because things happen, they were bound to happen.

Russia would never have developed a Western-type state because it isn’t a Western-type country. Its political ethos was formed by a volatile mix of Byzantium and the Mongol Horde, not by Western polity. The resulting millennium of enslavement has left an indelible mark on the national character, corrupting both masters and slaves.

But there’s no reason Russia couldn’t have become a more or less benign autocracy and a decent place for people to live. In fact, it began to show signs of becoming just that towards the end of the nineteenth century.

Then several tectonic plates slammed together, and the volcano of evil tyranny bubbling at Russia’s core erupted. There were indeed several plates: humiliating defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, the tsar’s incredible stupidity in dragging Russia into the meat grinder of the First World War – and of course the demonic energy of a small group of cannibalistic ghouls led by Lenin.

Because a similarly evil group had never taken over a major country before then, neither the Russians nor anybody else quite knew what to make of it. Evil is the operative word here, not Marxism.

To be sure, Marxism is an evil ideology, and Lenin’s gang used it almost to its full potential. But for them, Lenin and Stalin in particular, Marxism was a weapon, not the target.

The target was to spread the same brand of evil over the whole world and, when Marxist slogans served that purpose, they were used. When they got in the way, they were abandoned, as, for example, when Lenin introduced the NEP (New Economic Policy), mitigating to some extent state control over the economy.

Once they took over, the ghouls proceeded to do what ghouls do: eat human flesh. They did so figuratively; millions of peasants had to do it literally – murderous famines broke out immediately after the putsch, claiming millions of victims.

Parents were eating their children, scavenging was rife: corpses were routinely used for nourishment. You can find on the net many harrowing photographs to that effect.

The ghouls did their bit by more direct action too: some two million were executed judicially on Lenin’s watch (he died in 1924, but was effectively out of power at least a year earlier), but that doesn’t begin to tell the story.

Untold and uncounted millions were simply shot out of hand or tortured to death without even a travesty of justice; millions more perished of starvation and disease; 10 million died in the war Lenin started against his own people (this is known as the Civil War). And Stalin was still to come.

Slated for total annihilation were the educated classes: aristocracy, intelligentsia, professionals, officers, clergy. Of the latter, 40,000 priests were murdered during the same period.

The official version is that they were shot, but few were so lucky. Priests were crucified, flayed alive, cut to ribbons, eviscerated, turned to ice by having cold water poured over them in minus 20 weather – and I’ll spare you the really graphic details.

The Soviet Union was formed in 1923, and its national emblem provided a pictorial statement of intent: hammer and sickle superimposed on the whole globe. Under Stalin, the ghouls tried to make it a reality, and only Hitler’s preemptive strike stopped them in their tracks. In the end they had to content themselves with only half of Europe, not all of it.

Altogether, during the 70-odd years they were in business, the ghouls murdered some 60 million of their own subjects (the most credible estimate) and, under Stalin, turned the whole country into a blend of concentration and military camps. At least five, but more likely 10, million perished in the famines the Soviets created deliberately in the Ukraine and elsewhere – and don’t think for a second the Ukrainians have forgotten this.

Democide was accompanied by genocide: whole peoples were deported to uninhabitable parts of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Some 25 per cent of the Balts were killed, imprisoned or deported, along with practically all the Chechens and Crimean Tartars – and don’t think for a second any of them have forgotten this.

The untold misery produced by the Soviets is well-documented, but less understood is the moral damage that pure evil has done not only to Russia but to the whole world. For the birthday boy of a state expanded the boundaries of the possible ad infinitum.

The Soviets lit the path for evil to triumph on a scale never before imagined. Murdering people in their millions by category set a fine example to follow, and many did follow it.

The Nazis, for example, were eager and able pupils. Soviet maestros happily shared with them their experience of setting up and running concentration camps, for example. The NKVD and Gestapo even formed a Friendship Society, with Stalin’s and Hitler’s blessing. Amazingly, it remained active, if on a limited scale, throughout the war.

Such an eruption of evil doesn’t just kill bodies; it corrupts souls – and not only at its epicentre. All those fellow-travellers in the West, Lenin’s ‘useful idiots’, proved one didn’t have to be Russian to be morally infected by Soviet wickedness. Churchill correctly identified Lenin as a ‘plague bacillus’, but the spread of the contagion was global, even if it created the worst pandemic in Russia proper.

Such was the regime whose collapse Putin described as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the twentieth century”. It wasn’t. There were two real geopolitical catastrophes on the same site: the birth of Lenin’s satanic regime and its continuous survival in a new incarnation.

Any sin can be forgiven if sincerely repented. Yet no such repentance has occurred in Russia, as it did in Germany. And no wonder: vindicating the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Soviet regime hasn’t disappeared – it has merely changed its form.

And the new form is reverting to the old, for Putin’s propagandists in the media, academy and education are slowly restoring Lenin’s and Stalin’s reputations. Yes, they say, there might have been a downside to the Soviet regime, but think of its pluses.

Woe to anyone who can believe that a satanic regime devouring millions has any pluses at all. Such a person hasn’t just set his moral scales wrongly – he has thrown them out of the window. Vindicators of evildoers become their accomplices.

Stalin’s self-panegyric is repeated ad nauseam: he took the country with a wooden plough and left it with an atom bomb. Personally, I prefer the plough, especially if the atom bomb is used for the evil purpose of blackmailing the world – and if, for it and its equivalents to be created, tens of millions were murdered and hundreds of millions enslaved.

Bolshevik ghouls are officially portrayed in Russia as honest idealists, dedicated if at times misguided nation builders. Admittedly, they might have committed some crimes (this is whispered, not said). But do let’s keep things in balance.

Putin’s mouthpiece-in-chief Kisilev put it in a nutshell on Russia’s main TV channel: “We can’t, nor should, condemn everything Soviet… Our Lenin. And our USSR. Lenin moved Russia to make a megadream come true. He staged a great social experiment… In that sense, Lenin is a hero.”

Now imagine the worldwide outcry if Merkel’s mouthpiece said something similar about Hitler, who also ‘staged a great social experiment’. Yet Kisilev’s harangue went unnoticed and unreported in our press.

Part of the reason is that Putin has his own herd of Western ‘useful idiots’, except that his lot come from the Right. These people, driven to despair by their own governments, are eager to swallow, feathers and all, the canard of a new Russia run by a new KGB (85 per cent of Russia’s leadership including its church hierarchs are career KGB officers or agents).

Because the current evil government advances its cause by using nationalist, rather than internationalist, slogans, it appears to some as a useful alternative to our own globalist spivs. For similar reasons many Westerners saw Hitler as the only viable alternative to Stalin.

Overlooked is the frankly criminal nature of Putin’s regime, different as its criminality may be from the Soviets’ in some details. Unlike Lenin and Stalin, Putin only murders his opponents in their thousands, not millions. Unlike them, he allows Russians to leave – and millions have taken advantage of that laxity, many of them to spread the tale of the present good tsar over the West.

But in every moral sense, Putin and his gang are worthy heirs to the blood-sucking Bolsheviks. They don’t even bother to conceal it: Lenin statues are standing where they’ve always stood; Stalin statues are coming out of warehouses and going up all over Russia; Russian schoolchildren are taught that Stalin was above all an administrator of genius, a fair if stern father of the country.

Putin’s sponsoring organisation, now under a new name if the same management, is involved in global subversion as actively as the Soviets ever were. Just like Stalinists, Putinists viciously pounce on their weaker neighbours. And just like Stalinists, they find themselves on the opposite side to the West in every conflict.

Though seen as a useful laundromat for ill-gotten gains and a source of yachts, good medical care and education, the West is still demonised in Russia, still portrayed as its implacable enemy.

Not only Putinism but even unvarnished Bolshevism still has its fans in the West, the latter at the Left end of the political range. I’m sure, for example, that today’s anniversary is wildly celebrated at our Labour headquarters, with Comrade Corbyn presiding over the festivities. The very thought that his Trotskyist gang may well take over my country gives me the creeps, an allergic reaction that millions of Corbyn voters are spared.

In my childhood, Moscow was adorned with posters saying “Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live”. Replace ‘Lenin’ with ‘evil’, and the statement still rings true. It’s the centenary of that satanic evil that so many demons celebrate today, dancing around fires.

5 thoughts on “100 years of history’s purest evil”

  1. Why do we not celebrate Hitler’s rise to absolute power on the 24th March 1933? – it was another form of socialist, utopian, ideology (brought about by the ‘progressive’ Wall Street crash of 1929) that resulted in far fewer deaths…

  2. Thank you for that timely history lesson. A fitting antidote to the volcanic effluent that has erupted from Agitprop’s BBC division this week. And still Corbyn, McDonnell and the ample Diane Flabbot posture in the Palace of Varieties with their crypto commie crap. Aren’t you sad that you chose this ‘harbour’ to adopt as your alternative home?

  3. I was brought up to understand the evils of Communism and all that went on behind the Iron Curtain and beyond. Having slaughtered and brutalised the remaining population, I don’t doubt the capacity of Russians to be ‘single minded’ to put it diplomatically. But are they on a mission to spread Communism? I’m not doubting you but a detailed article on the evidence would be interesting. I don’t see Russia embracing democracy or capitalism very seriously, so the absence of such is perhaps a clue? Of course American aggression towards Russia hardly helps relations.

    1. You obviously follow current events more closely than I do. I must have missed the news of 82nd Airborne landing in the outskirts of Moscow — along with other reports of American aggression. Very careless of me. As to spreading communism, did I say that? If so, I’m not only careless but mad, a thought too harrowing to contemplate. No, I’m sure I did say that the Russian state has changed its form, while retaining its subversive stance against the West. If you still need evidence of such subversion, just read the papers. Electronic warfare? Hacking? Attempts to fix elections? Non-stop propaganda through English-language TV channels? Political murders in Western cities? May I make a suggestion? Stop watching RT. That’s like getting getting news about Nazi Germany from Der Stürmer.

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