Anne Boleyn, just as I imagine her

If we define schizophrenia as losing touch with reality, then either the world is schizophrenic or I am. (I have only one response to any confirmation of the latter: You too, sunshine.)

The black actress Jodie Turner-Smith will play Anne Boleyn in an upcoming Channel 5 series. This is a further development of the transsexual, transracial craze turning our performance arts into an unfunny joke.

One expects that any idea, no matter how eccentric, implemented by directors has an honest artistic meaning and none other. And honesty is essential to artistry, for without it any work of art will look and sound tastelessly phony.

Yet it’s instantly obvious that the avalanche of blacks playing white roles, women cast as men and vice versa, black women as white men and all other conceivable permutations has nothing whatsoever to do with any artistic purpose.

The aims are strictly ideological, which is to say idiotic and dishonest. The directors want us, the audience, to perform an impossible double act: both to notice and not to notice that the role of, say, Juliet or Lady Macbeth is played by a black actress.

When queried, they spout drivel, saying what’s important is the inner truth of the character, not any external attributes. Hence it doesn’t matter whether Lady Macbeth is played by a black man, or Romeo by a black woman.

My response is, if it doesn’t matter, why not use white actors, especially in the roles of historical personages known to be white? Then the audience really wouldn’t notice their race, rather than trying manfully to pretend it doesn’t notice. One obstacle to instant communication removed, job done?

Now that’s an awful thing to say. No one can expect an answer to that question, and anyone capable of posing it belongs in one of the re-educational facilities doubtless soon to be created in Britain.

Commenting on her new role, Turner-Smith mouthed a few banalities about Anne Boleyn being “formidable and fierce” and then linked those traits to the BLM movement: “It doesn’t make sense that Black people are being senselessly mowed down by the police,” she said, commenting on the queen beheaded by her hubby-wubby for allegedly playing away from home.

She and her director evidently see Anne Boleyn as a precursor of the BLM movement who could have suffered for her race had she indeed been black, although she lamentably wasn’t. After all, Henry VIII was white and therefore a racist. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Of course it does, to a certifiable schizo.

Two tweets on the subject have caught my eye, each testifying both to the cultural level of the projected viewers and their mental health.

“What difference does it make to her story if she’s played by an black actress?”, tweets one aspiring drama critic. “I’ll tell you: absolutely NONE’.” You know my answer to this one: if it makes no difference, why not use an white actress? I haven’t noticed any shortage of those.

Another refined chap wrote: “anna boleyn doesn’t need to be white, just in her paintings she was portrayed as white, being white has nothing to do with her at all, but martin luther king needs to be black, he was an amazing person who stood up for black rights and a role model for so many people.”

Disregarding the slightly unorthodox syntax, one has to congratulate the writer for spotting something not immediately obvious: a direct link between anna boleyn and martin luther king.

The latter stood up for the rights of blacks to be equal and was killed for it. The former stood up for the right of queens to have sex with their brothers, and also paid with her life for that heroic stand. Let’s hear it for the two role models, anna boleyn and martin luther king.

The problem isn’t that there are so many deranged morons out there. The problem is that our media, arts and politics increasingly proceed from the assumption that everyone is a deranged moron.

And this is a gift that keeps on giving: the more they treat people that way, the more the people will fit the imposed model. Does anybody know a good shrink?

2 thoughts on “Anne Boleyn, just as I imagine her”

  1. In Australia , if there are three people in an add, one is guaranteed to be black (usually front and centre) , if there are five in an add , two are black – and so on. If I were a white actor , i’d be quite annoyed , and if I were black , overjoyed , considering less than one percent of the population are. Alas , They’re still not satisfied with these proportions and complain of racism regularly. A blond husband and wife team have gone the way of the dodo bird in adland.

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