If Americans fall for the diabolical drivel that was spouted at the Democratic Convention, they deserve Kamala Harris.
They’d also deserve Leon Trotsky, but I don’t think he’s in the running. That said, one could be forgiven for getting the impression he is.
In all my long years of following politics, I’ve never seen such a brazen, mendacious display of cynical propaganda, at least not in a supposedly free country. Not even George Orwell at his most mordant could have imagined such a macabre perversion of reality.
All the speakers were lying through their teeth. How do I know this? To paraphrase a popular joke, their lips were moving.
Anaphora was in full bloom, and the key word endlessly regurgitated by one wicked speaker after another was ‘freedom’. One such orator proudly announced that this is the word whose meaning the Democrats were going to broaden.
Since, quite apart from their other fine qualities, they are all ignorant, they are deaf to the distinction between freedom and liberty (the first concept being internal and spiritual; the second, external and political), but that’s a minor matter.
Their real crime against reason and decency is broadening the notion of freedom to a point where it means nothing at all. And if freedom does mean anything, it’s whatever ‘liberal’ luvvies want it to mean.
This is how Congresswoman Nikema Williams understands the term: “As our president, Kamala Harris will fight for our reproductive freedoms, our freedom to learn our full and accurate history, and our economic freedom because it is time to stop just getting by, everyone wants to get ahead.”
Yet again I feel called upon to offer my services as interpreter.
“Reproductive freedom” is the luvvie for freedom not to reproduce, that is to abort babies. “Our freedom to learn our full and accurate history” means pledging allegiance to the Critical Race Theory, an explosive charge under our civilisation primed by the Marxists of the Frankfurt School. And “our economic freedom” is the chance to “get ahead” by getting state handouts, thereby empowering the state even more.
Abortion on demand seems to be the central plank of Harris’s campaign. Quite apart from the attendant moral considerations, this is a bit thin as far as political philosophies go. But to the Democrats’ credit, they are prepared to practise what they preach.
While that verbal obscenity was going on inside the United Center in Chicago, physical obscenity was unfolding outside. Planned Parenthood parked a bus there, offering free abortions and vasectomies to be performed there and then.
Applications poured in, and a Planned Parenthood spokesman boasted that: “We served 9 vasectomy and 8 medication abortion patients between the two days.” “Between the two days” means at night, which is the most appropriate time for this mobile satanic ritual.
While there’s no evidence that the Democrats commissioned the abortion bus, not a single one of them uttered a word against it. On the contrary, they all gave every reason to believe that, given the chance, they’d turn abortion into the only free medical service available in America.
Kamala’s accomplice, sorry, I mean running mate, reiterated the new, broadened meaning of freedom and explained how Republicans misinterpret it: “They mean that the government should be free to invade your doctor’s office, corporations free to pollute your air and water, and banks free to take advantage of customers”.
Again, a translation is necessary. Walz means that Republicans welcome the Supreme Court decision to delegate decisions on abortions to the states, that they think America should keep some of her industry going, and that banks should be allowed to go on charging interest on loans. That’s how low they’ve sunk.
But, unlike those reprobates, Democrats mean “the freedom to make your own healthcare decisions [abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy], your kids’ freedom to go to school without worrying about being shot” [repeal of the Second Amendment].
Such is the essence of American democracy as seen by Democrats, and it’s that hallowed institution that Donald Trump is out to destroy. And trust Michelle Obama to alert the public to Trump’s fiendish designs:
“Gutting our healthcare, taking away our freedom to control our bodies. The freedom to become a mother through IVF, like I did – those things are not going to improve health outcomes of our wives, mothers and daughters. Shutting down the Department of Education, banning our books – none of that will prepare our kids for the future.”
Crikey. Not since Messrs Stalin and Hitler has democracy been so much in peril. As an aspiring intellectual, I’m especially appalled by the banning of books as the most visible part of suppressing free expression. Naughty, naughty Donald.
However, it has to be said that he had his chance to turn every American library into the bonfire of the vanities – but ineptly failed to take it. No restrictions on free expression were introduced by Trump during the four years of his presidency.
Actually, and it pains me to say this, it’s the Democrat-voting luvvies who throw books out of libraries (if not yet into the fire), who bowdlerise classics in line with woke tyranny, who introduce woke censorship in every medium, who persecute – or prosecute – people for uttering words the luvvies declare as offensive. Really, what springs to mind is a thief running ahead of the pursuing crowd and screaming “Stop thief!” louder than everybody else.
Trump may believe in vesting perhaps more power into the executive branch than the Constitution encourages, but he isn’t the first such president. FDR, for example, was much more imperious and imperial – but he had the good fortune of being a Democrat and hence beyond criticism.
Trump isn’t to everyone’s liking, certainly not to mine, but portraying him as a threat to democracy is a bald-faced lie – especially when this is done by a party that defines freedom primarily as infanticide at will.
As to shutting down the Department of Education, that malformed child of Jimmy Carter’s loins, I do hope Trump gets elected and does just that. No other department of the US government is as responsible for perverting children’s minds by pumping them full of subversive, ignorant drivel, such as the Critical Race Theory.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 34, a congresswoman protected from wearing a communist tag only by political semantics, endorsed Harris as a “woman who fights every single day to lift working people out from under the boots of greed trampling on our way of life.”
It hardly needs saying that for AOC (and Harris) it’s free enterprise that imposes such an intolerable burden on society. Putting an end to that abomination, or at least hamstringing it with socialist regulations and confiscatory taxes, is another aspect of freedom in its new, broadened meaning.
Hating Israel and supporting her terrorist enemies is another. To that end, explained AOC, Harris is “working tirelessly to secure a ceasefire in Gaza and bringing hostages home”.
That’s the Democrats’ cant for selling Israel down the Jordan – just as ‘freedom’ is their buzz word for ‘liberal’ tyranny. They want their supporters to cry freedom, but all decent people must instead be crying for its demise. If this lot take over, it’s only abortions that will be free.
It could hardly be more Stalinist if Ms Harris were congratulated for “working tirelessly to secure the elimination of the Kulaks as a class.” I doubt if Ms Harris has ever heard of the Kulaks, but I have no doubt that she’d endorse their elimination. They were the nearest thing Russia had to ordinary, decent Americans, and if the elimination of ordinary, decent Americans as a class isn’t Ms Harris’s objective, why does she propose policies that will have that effect?
As for the Department of Eddewcayshun, its existence seems to me to be as much an infringement of States’ rights as “Roe v Wade”. If I were a American conservative with money to spend, I’d be looking to the Federal Supreme Court for a ruling.
Trump and Vance should provide these same translations in every speech they make and interview they grant over the next nine weeks. (My blood boils every time I hear “reproductive rights”!) They should also include your salient point that he did none of what the Democrats claim he will do if elected again. He is in the unique position of having the ability to point to a previous term as an example. His campaign is being so poorly run, I will be sickened, but not surprised, if he loses.
I’m happy to see the Department of Education discussed (thank you, PJR, for one of the preferred
modern spellings), as I mentioned it in a comment a few days ago.