Why we can’t defend ourselves against Islam

MuslimsYesterday I described the French Revolution as a prominent landmark on the road to perdition. A few hours later came an awful illustration.

Or rather 84 illustrations, which is how many people were murdered in Nice by yet another exponent of what we’re under orders to call a ‘religion of peace’. So far I haven’t heard any new reassurances on the peaceful nature of Islam, given a bad name by a few rotten apples. But that’ll come.

It’s a macabre coincidence that the carnage happened on Bastille Day, when France was celebrating the priming of delayed-action mines buried under our civilisation. One of them went off in Nice, with the French – and the rest of us – watching on helplessly.

It’s impossible for a civilisation to defend itself without a sense of its own righteousness. If a conflict is seen as a clash between good and evil, the combatant can feel empowered to take on even a superior foe. In the absence of that perception, no amount of brawn can repel even a small, determined force.

I’m writing this a few miles from the Burgundian town of Vézelay, where on 31 March, 1146, St Bernard of Clairvaux delivered his famous oration on responding to the Muslim threat:

“…Will you allow the infidels to contemplate in peace the ravages they have committed on Christian people? …Fly then to arms; let the holy rage animate you in the fight, and let the Christian world resound with these words of the prophet: ‘Cursed be he who does not stain his sword with blood!’ ”

Thus spoke a civilisation sufficiently self-confident to defend itself against a mortal threat – and sufficiently clear-headed to realise that a mortal threat did exist. Every ringing word was striking a note no modern leader would be able to produce.

For the event France celebrated on the day of the appalling tragedy signposted the protracted suicide attempt of our civilisation. The snowball of wishy-washy anomie was pushed down the slope, to get bigger as it rolled towards the abyss.

Absolute truth was declared nonexistent, and a multitude of truthlets, roughly equal to the number of individuals, each endowed with inalienable rights, were all pronounced equally valid – provided they had nothing to do with the founding truth of our civilisation.

The snowball went over the edge and disintegrated into a myriad fragments, each supposed to be equal in substance, if perhaps slightly different in detail. Eventually God was swiped off his perch and replaced with the Demiurge of Diversity.

No one can go against this vengeful deity and get away unscathed. Our will has eroded and our mind has dimmed – we simply can’t enunciate the only thought that, once uttered, would enable us to stop Islam in its tracks: we aren’t at war with ISIS, Islamic fundamentalism or Islamofascism. We’re at war with Islam.

Except that it’s a phoney war, waged by our enemies only. They know they’re at war and they know who the enemy is. We aren’t fighting the war because we don’t even acknowledge it’s under way.

The Demiurge of Diversity demands that we atomise every group into its individual constituents. Some individuals may be quite nasty, and we can resist them, if only half-heartedly. But no group can possibly have anything wrong with it, and certainly no religion.

They’re all equally good, which is to say equally irrelevant. Only the creed of the Demiurge of Diversity is worshipped in earnest.

Without a clear understanding of what we’re fighting for or against, no war can be either just or successful, as proved by the criminal 2003 foray initiated by the US neocons.

Refusing to acknowledge that Islam is a religion of war, and has been since 627 AD, when its founder personally murdered hundreds of Jews in Medina, they singled out a few bad Muslims for punishment. Once the bad ones were deposed, the good Muslims would supposedly enjoy an American-style democracy in their newly built nations.

Show me a wrong strategic goal and I’ll show you a lost war. Now, 13 years later, we’re still suffering casualties, and there’s no end in sight. The Demiurge of Diversity doesn’t let us do what has always been done at wartime.

We must prevent any Muslims from entering our countries and regard every Muslim resident here as an enemy alien. Those who’ve already shown their hand by voicing support of jihad must be summarily deported, and every mosque in which such words were uttered summarily shut down and razed.

At the same time Islamic states must be held responsible for every atrocity committed by Muslims against Westerners – with appropriate punitive measures. My favourite one would be taking over their oilfields and holding them until Islamic passions have quieted down, but I’m sure we have people better qualified than me to work out the appropriate tactics.

We have an overwhelming physical superiority over Islam, but it takes a clear sense of purpose to bring it to bear. That’s what we’re lacking, which is why we must brace ourselves for more enemy action, such as the atrocity in Nice.

Because our enemies are stronger than us metaphysically, they’re prepared to die for their beliefs. We aren’t even prepared to live for ours – in fact, we aren’t even sure what they are. The Demiurge of Diversity doesn’t let us have any.

6 thoughts on “Why we can’t defend ourselves against Islam”

  1. I part company from you in only one respect: that for our civilisation to successfully defend itself against Islam it must have a Christian foundation. It is (or should be) enough for it to resolve to be “anti-Islam”; this should be capable of bringing together those who adhere to all religions and to none. The existential threat is surely real.

  2. “It’s impossible for a civilisation to defend itself without a sense of its own righteousness. If a conflict is seen as a clash between good and evil, the combatant can feel empowered to take on even a superior foe. In the absence of that perception, no amount of brawn can repel even a small, determined force.”
    Above all, this.

  3. Militant Christianity is a contradiction in terms and at times has been as repressive and repulsive as any other religion that it has fought. Militant atheism (whether French, Russian or Chinese revolutionary) has failed to get rid of religion and in practice it is just as repressive. The State pays lip service to freedom with cliches but there is always pressure to conform. Rational atheists such as Dawkins get shouted down by both sides.

    Dare to be a Daniel
    Dare to stand alone
    Dare to have a purpose firm
    Dare to make it known

    Of this old revivalist Hymn, George Orwell said ‘To bring this hymn up to date one would have to add a “Don’t” at the beginning of each line’. Then as now it seems (whether you are Christian, Muslim or otherwise). Forget about action folks, the ruling elites will do that when they feel threatened. And that could be any time soon, but probably after a catastrophic economic collapse.

  4. “Because our enemies are stronger than us metaphysically, they’re prepared to die for their beliefs. We aren’t even prepared to live for ours.”
    Profound words, Brother! I will remember those words-and repeat them, as future terrorists attacks are committed and foolish, naïve people around me wonder why they occur.

  5. Islam is using our freedom against ourselves including freedom of religion which I have reservations that it truly is.
    We also have lawyers anxiously taking descrimination lawsuits veiled to help “poor innocents” but in reality are giving them a voice at our expense.
    Case in point, the recent case in Texas where a muslim boy that took a device to school that looked like a bomb of some sort sued for 15 million.
    If he wins where do you think some of that money (our money) will wind up?
    My guess is isis.
    Start watching the news for more blatant attempts to “extort” money in this manner.
    May the God of my forefathers keep us safe from this effort to enslave all mankind.

  6. Right from the very beginning of ISLAMIC migration into the UK , Islam has used our democracy against us . Where they come from they cannot do any such thing because they have dictators but perceive us as weak AND THEY’RE RIGHT

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